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Meihua Liu

Article ID: 1333
Views - 543  (Abstract) PDF - 119  (Download)
Abstract: Not much research has been done on motivation to study a second, third or even fourth foreign language though learners of such languages have been increasing. To contribute to this, the present study examined German learning motivation of Chinese university students at different proficiency levels. A total of 297 German learners at three different profici...
Tiffanye McCoy-Thomas

Article ID: 1632
Views - 474  (Abstract) PDF - 78  (Download)
Abstract: Eye-tracking is a unique research method in education to help understand learners’ attention, reading struggles, learning strategies, and learning behaviors within the context of multimedia. This study overviews the empirical studies in this field, examines the role of eye-tracking in learning predictability, and discusses the ways that eye-tracking can b...
Anh-Duc Hoang

Article ID: 1309
Views - 1112  (Abstract) PDF - 140  (Download)
Abstract: In today’s world, education is less being considered as an outcome, but more as a journey. As the adventurers, our students are facing more and more complex challenges. Previously, the socio-economic status of a student’s family seemed to be one of the biggest factors among inequality causes. Nowadays, the chaotic situation of today's VUCA world (volatili...
Carla C. van de Sande

Article ID: 1383
Views - 451  (Abstract) PDF - 55  (Download)
Abstract:If you don’t use it, you lose it. School breaks, during which students do not regularly participate in instruction, can therefore have negative consequences on learning. This is especially true for mathematics learning since skills build progressively on earlier materials. How can we bridge these gaps in formal instruction? The Keeping in School Shape (KiSS)...