Investigation on Challenges to Implementing Chemistry Experiments in Real Laboratories at Selected Universities in Southern Ethiopia
Article ID: 5559
Effective execution of chemistry experiments in real laboratories is essential for bridging the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills. However, numerous difficulties often hinder the successful implementation of these experiments. The study aimed to explore the challenges in conducting chemistry experiments in real laboratories at selected universities in southern Ethiopia, employing a descriptive survey research design. The study encompassed 63 chemistry instructors and 143 students (from 2nd to 4th years). Data were collected through closed-ended questionnaires and interviews and analyzed using descriptive statistics and thematic coding. Both instructors and students with moderate and above agreement levels identified several challenges in implementing experiments in real laboratories, which included the lack of chemicals, equipment, and safety materials. Other challenges to implementing laborator experiments were handling of expired chemicals, properly handling chemicals, poor university planning for resources, insufficient stakeholder attention, inadequate credit hours, difficulty in identifying supplies, and using instruments. These factors collectively obstruct the successful execution of chemistry experiments and highlighted the urgent need for improvements in resources, planning, and training to significantly enhance the quality of practical chemistry education.
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