The Effect of Using the CoRT Program on Jordanian EFL Ninth-Grade Students’ Speaking Skills

Badriya Hashim Battah (Yarmouk University)
Abdallah Baniabdelrahman (Yarmouk University)

Article ID: 5551



This study aimed at exploring the effect of using the CoRT Program on Jordanian EFL ninth-grade students’ speaking skills. The participants of study were 68 female students from Maysaloun Basic School for Girls, which is part of the Directorate of Education in Jordan who were distributed randomly and equally into two groups; experimental and control. This study followed a quasi-experimental design. Data were collected through a pre-/post-test for both control and experimental groups. To achieve the purpose of the study, the experimental group was taught though the CoRT Program and the control group was taught using a conventional teaching method. The results showed that showed that there were statistically significant differences at (a= 0.05) in the subscales (Accuracy, Fluency) due to instruction (the CoRT program vs. conventional instruction) in favor of the experiments group. In light of the findings of the study, the study recommends to use the CoRT Program in different EFL skills and different levels of students.


CoRT program; EFL Jordanian students; Speaking skills

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