The Effect of Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy on EFL Tenth-Grade Students’ Reading Comprehension
Article ID: 5537
This study examined the potential effect of Inquiry-Based Learning Strategy (IBL) on the tenth-grade students' reading comprehension. Two groups and a quasi-experimental design were used. Two complete sections of grade 10 students from a public Secondary School for Girls in Irbid was randomly assigned by the researcher. The experimental group of 30 students was chosen first, and then the control group of 30 students. A pre-post reading comprehension test was designed before and after the study in order to fulfill its goals. Additionally, the experimental group was taught using the IBL strategy, whereas the control group was taught using the traditional teaching methods recommended in the tenth-grade Teacher's Book. According to the findings, there were significant statistical differences favoring the experimental group over the control group. In light of the findings, the researcher recommended employing the IBL strategy to students with various levels and EFL skills.
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