Capacity Building Needs for Manual and Computer Assisted Teaching of Pattern Drafting for Entrepreneurship in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria
Article ID: 5534
This study investigated the capacity building needs for manual and computer assisted teaching of pattern drafting for entrepreneurship in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. The study was conducted and guided by two research questions and two hypotheses. This study adopted an ex-post facto research design. The population for the study consisted of 131 Home Economics lecturers from the Universities, Polytechnic, and Colleges of Education in South East Nigeria. The entire population was studied because of its manageable size, hence there was no sampling. The results of this study showed that the Home Economics lecturers are competent in drafting patterns using manual method. Technical skills required for lecturers of Home Economics to advance from manual to computer-assisted teaching of pattern drafting were identified. They include ability to grade patterns, ability to use software packages, and ability to discuss procedures of pattern drafting among others. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others that computer assisted teaching of pattern drafting should be incorporated and applied by Home Economics lecturers to ensure that students acquire technical skills that will enable them to enter into entrepreneurship.
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