Research as A Veritable Tool for Enhancing Students' Job Creation in the 21st Century University Education
Article ID: 5528
This study explores the role of research as a tool for enhancing students' job creation in the context of 21st-century university education. The survey research design was the approach used for this investigation. The researcher created a questionnaire to collect pertinent data for the study from 200 respondents. The questionnaire was duly validated by 3 experts. The internal reliability of the instrument was examined in this study using Cronbach's alpha (α). Cronbach's alpha method is able to determine the correlation between the outcomes of each test item and the test's total score. Google Forms was used to deliver the survey to the respondents electronically. A statistical package was used to calculate the mean and standard deviation. The study hypotheses were also investigated using inferential statistics (t-test) with 198 degrees of freedom and a 0.05 threshold of significance. To determine whether to accept or reject the null hypothesis, the critical value and estimated t-value are compared. Findings suggest that research-oriented education positively impacts students' ability to create job opportunities in the 21st century. Engaging in research projects fosters critical thinking, creativity, and adaptability among students, enabling them to identify and capitalize on emerging trends and market gaps. Furthermore, the study reveals the significance of university-industry collaborations and mentorship programs in enhancing students' entrepreneurial skills and connecting them with practical resources and networks. The implications of this research are significant for educational policymakers, university administrators, and curriculum developers, as it underscores the importance of incorporating research as an integral component of 21st-century university education.
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