The Effect of Self-Questioning Strategy on EFL Tenth-Grade Students' Reading Comprehension
Article ID: 5525
This study investigated the effect of the self-questioning strategy on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) for tenth-grade students' reading comprehension. A quasi-experimental design with two groups was employed. The researcher randomly assigned two whole sections of grade 10 from Al Samtt Secondary school for Boys, a public school, Directorate of Education in Irbid (AL Kora Directorate of Education). First, the experimental group of 25 students selected and second the control group of 25 students was selected. To achieve the purpose of the study, a pre-/post reading comprehension test was designed. In addition, self-questioning strategywas used to teach the experimental group, whereas a control group was taught by the conventional teaching strategies, as suggested in the Teacher's Book. Results showed that there were significant statistically differences between the control and the experimental groups in favor of the experimental group. Considering the research results, the researcher recommended to use self-questioning strategy on different EFL skills and different levels of students.Teachers also should enroll in in-service training courses that provide more information about the curriculum revisions and programs that focus on improving their questioning abilities.
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