An Integrated Model for Sport Consumer Repurchase Intention: A case in the Commercial Martial Arts Schools
Article ID: 4108
The retention of customers is fundamental to the success of sport organizations for a variety of reasons, not the least of which is it is less expensive for an organization to keep a current customer than to gain a new one. Since customer repurchase intention is an important indicator to predict repurchase behavior, exploring the factors that influence this behavior has important theoretical and practical implications in the commercial martial arts school market. Although previous research provides a foundation for the factors that influence a customer’s repurchase intention, additional empirical work is warranted. This study is designed to integrate the findings of previous studies and examine how utilitarian factors (perceived value and switching cost), a hedonic factor (perceived enjoyment), and social/psychological factors (confirmation and satisfaction) directly or indirectly influenced consumers’ repurchase intentions in the context of commercial martial arts schools. The results indicated that customer satisfaction had the strongest impact on customer repurchase intention, followed by perceived enjoyment, switching costs, confirmation, and perceived value.
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