Investigating Learner Engagement in Flipped English as a Foreign Language Classroom
Article ID: 2276
Flipped classroom is an innovative instructional method. Recent technological developments have given rise to the popularity of flipped classroom. This study reports the findings of a questionnaire survey that investigates learners’ perceptions of flipped EFL (English as a Foreign Language) classroom, with a particular focus on their self-perceived learner engagement. The results of the study indicate that the learners generally have positive and favorable attitudes toward flipped classroom. Seventy-five percent of them consider flipped classroom useful in boosting their confidence in learning English and 50.6% think that they have become more interested in the course. Yet, it is also found that only 30.1% agree that flipped method has helped them to understand the course content more clearly. In addition, as high as 71.6% of the respondents agree that the flipped method can increase their motivation to participate in classroom learning activities, but only 44.9% believe that their engagement has been raised. While the results show that the students tend to accept this new teaching method, their evaluation of the actual effects of it is not as expected, which may be due to the lack of guidance and the weak connection between online self-study and classroom activities. Future studies are needed to explore how to strengthen these areas.
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