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Naeema Ali Abdelgawad

Article ID: 4814
Views - 290  (Abstract) PDF - 99  (Download)
Abstract: Humour is the infallible and never-outdated medium for creating intimacy and collective understanding among peoples of versatile interests and, sometimes, conflicting attitudes. It is the moment of catching the humorous effect that counts. Humour creation is not easy because the factors that would trigger laughter vary from one person to a...
Natalina Asi, Maria A. Luardini, Merilyn Simbolon

Article ID: 4731
Views - 204  (Abstract) PDF - 40  (Download)
Abstract: Meaningful teaching and learning can be achieved when the materials are closely related to the learners' real life. This research focuses on language and culture for the materials suitable for the first semester students of EFL class at the University of Palangka Raya. The design-based research was applied to provide sources consisting of environmental li...