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Volume 6, Issue 1 (2023)
Table of Contents
Daniela Maria Coelho Article ID: 5513 Views - 219 (Abstract) PDF - 78 (Download) Abstract: Plurilingual pedagogies call for an acknowledgment of an individual's full linguistic and cultural repertoire as a resource for learning. Though the monolingual stance appears to still be largely prevalent in classrooms across the world, plurilingual pedagogies seem to be slowly gaining the interest of some teachers in plurilingual settings as is the case...
Zhiqiang Zhao, Ping Ren, Min Tang Article ID: 5557 Views - 433 (Abstract) PDF - 147 (Download) Abstract: The rise of social media has significantly transformed global education marketing. This study examines the influence of social media as a digital marketing tool on Chinese students' decisions to study in the United States. By using a model analysis approach, the research offers insights to help educational institutions develop effective d...
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